Sunday, November 13, 2011

Outreach Funds (2) Eagle Eagle Condor still needs a good bit of money to be able to do what we need to do. We aren't sure what our special project is yet, but it's will probably involve something at an orphanage. There are a bunch people in the DTS that still need their outreach money, so the school leaders gave us a website to give people. The website allows people to give funds to a single student, or to an entire outreach team, and your donation is tax deductible.

Just click on the link below:
If you want to give towards my outreach fund:
B8000-YWAM LA DTS Madeline Hendley (under Special Gift for a Person)
If you want to give towards my team:
B8000-YWAM LA DTS India 1 project (under Special Gift for a Project)

If you want to give to another student or another team, or another student on another team, send me an email and just say which team and I'll find out which student needs money.
The outreach teams are South Africa, North Africa, Chile, India A, and India 1.
My email address is

If you know people who want to get involved, let them! Get your church involved! Your youth group! Everyone you know!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Outreach Funds

I found out last night that flying to Nepal and training into India is expensive. We're looking for the cheapest tickets, but even the cheap ones are expensive. Then there's taxi's and food. All together the price will probably be around $3500. This isn't set though. By the time it's actually time to go, the prices could be higher or lower.
I want to thank everyone who has already sent something for my outreach.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Relationship, Not a Religion

Too many times we don't understand who God is. So many people see him as a demanding ruler, who will do just that if we mess up just a little bit. Of course, none of this is true. God is a caring and loving Father and wants what is best for His children. But then, my generation see their heavenly Father the same as their earthly father, which isn't wrong, but it often gives us a skewed view of who God is. If your father was not in your life, then God is distant. If your father was a huge part of your life, in a good way, then God is close to you, and He wants to be with you. The list could go on forever. God wants to be a part of your life, but He's not going to force you. He wants you to be happy, but now stupid. He doesn't require you to be a perfect person, He'll accept you just as you are. God doesn't think its a sin if you laugh in church, because He has a sense of humor (Why else would He create duck-billed platypuses or naked mole rats). He doesn't care if you show up to church half dressed. He just wants a relationship with you. That's really what Christianity is. A relationship, not a religion. He wants to be in your life and He loves you more than anyone on earth could possibly love you.